Friday, February 5, 2010

Focus, focus, focus...

I'm having more senior moments these days. In mid-conversation, I will stop talking - searching for a word I was sure I knew yesterday, yet cannot find packed away anywhere in my brain. My husband, considerate man that he is, will often say at these times "Is this gonna take long?" like he had someplace else to be at that moment and can't wait fifteen or twenty minutes while I open all the filing cabinets in my head to find the word I was searching for. Add insult to injury, it usually isn't a huge word, it's usually a word I use all the time, but it has for all intents and purposes been removed from my vocabulary at that instant, only to be replaced at three a.m. Eureka! I also travel from room to room looking for something that I forgot just after I started my journey. I sometimes make several trips for the same item, having forgotten it, returned to my starting place, remembered it and trying again. Last week I put something in the microwave to store it; it was sour cream. Luckily I caught that one before it started to stink.

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