Monday, September 23, 2013

No news is good news....

It's been very quiet here since my last post.  Sadie is taking her drugs and has been behaving herself.  I can't even remember the last time she screamed - or even hissed.  Both girls can be in the family room at the same time, and while they walk wide around each other, there have been no confrontations.  Of course, that will probably change because I'm writing about it.  Sassy is over her constipation, all the hairballs are through.  Carl is mixing a little hairball laxative in her food every morning.  He tried a whole dose but she ignored the food.  Sadie, however, will lick it off his finger, but Sadie is a fur covered garbage disposal.  Sassy is a diva - only certain things are allowed to pass her lips and laxative of any kind is off of her menu.  Sadie will allow a little affection - more when she's napping and less when she's running around.

Carl brought home a huge container of catnip.  We have two small bags filled that both cats roll around with.  I pick it up and crush it on occasion and toss it to Sassy and she rolls around hugging it to her chest.  Sadie's bag is in the living room and I often find it in the window.  Both bags need new stuffing so Carl went to CatnipRUs and bought the giant economy size in a plastic jug.  He also bought some spray to keep cats off of furniture and tried it on the spare bed which is also covered with waterproof pads AND a painter's plastic tarp.  Of course, Sassy doesn't poop on the spare bed every night so one night isn't a good test, but last night the bed was clean and she'd used the litter box in the spare bedroom; Sadie used the one in the laundry room (which is the one I want them both to use).  I would love to remove a couple of those boxes so we didn't have five.  Experts say you should have one more box than cats so it would be great if we only had three.  We're just holding our breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Sadie has now been here five months.

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